Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today, We went to the Gym and Kassandra panicked

I don't know what to do with the gym. She is so good while we walking there, but once we are there, she freaks out and cries the whole time I am working out. I don't have anyone who could watch her and I have to work out in order to lose these last 15 pounds and tighten things up.... I love my gym, but they really need to step up the daycare room and have more hands in there.

Friday, September 17, 2010

My ever growing belly was featured on hiding behind the MacBook

When I was 5 months pregnant, I drove down to Philly to make a podcast for Juan did some amazing editing to hide my ever growing bump.

It's girl!!!!

On 4th of July 2009,  we had our 3D ultrasound. I was scheduled to have an anatomy ultrasound on August 11th, but I couldn't wait that long so I called the local 3D ultrasound boutique. At around 11:20 AM on Independence Day, we gave up our independence when we discovered my precious cargo was a bouncing baby girl. Tears came to Anthony's and mine eyes. We were overcome with emotions. We both had a son from previous marriages so we desperately wanted a girl. I had told myself over and over it was a boy so I wouldn't be disappointed when I discovered it wasn't a girl. I wanted a baby girl since I was ababy girl. She is  my dream come true. We went home and celebrated with a BBQ and daddy drank himself stupid when he realized that he was going to be a father of a little baby girl( dating, wedding, man looking at his little girl, GRRHHHHH).

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mommy's belly was growing bump

At 10 weeks, My mommy had a big bump...

At 14 weeks...

At 17 weeks

On June 1st, 2009 NTS

As one of the many prenatal test in the first trimester, we agree to have the nuchal translucency screening. It is a test perform to see how thick the neural tube is because this would determine if the tube is over 2.5 mm. This test is perform to rule out down syndrome and other congenital disorders. Kassandra's measurements were .09 mm. She passed with flying colors. She also had a nasal bone.

How we found out!!!

On Eastern morning at my mother house in Philly I found out I was pregnant with a Dueane Reade One Step Pregnancy test. I tired to keep it to myself, but everyone raised an eyebrow when I turned down wine with dinner. I told them I had a long drive back home to NYC.