Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today, We went to the Gym and Kassandra panicked

I don't know what to do with the gym. She is so good while we walking there, but once we are there, she freaks out and cries the whole time I am working out. I don't have anyone who could watch her and I have to work out in order to lose these last 15 pounds and tighten things up.... I love my gym, but they really need to step up the daycare room and have more hands in there.


  1. Thanks for the sweet comment! Your daughter is just gorgeous! As for the gym, I am jealous yours even has a daycare... I was actually thinking just today how I wish that I could go work out. I don't have anyone to watch G, though, and the rec center here has nothing for the children. =( Ah the joys of a small town. I hope she cheers up and gets used to it!!

  2. I can't wait to start the gym! We're working it into our budget now. Good job working out mama!
